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Compiled guides from other players, groups and game tutorials. Thank you all for the information you shared to make the game much more easily understood by other players.

-Handicraft I
-Handicarft II

My Beginners Course Guide: Uncharted Waters Online

Okay fellahs, it just came to my mind to make my own beginners course guide while I'm still doing that quest. But this guide doesn't include the whole game and this is only for the Merchant class. This isn't the start of the tutorial course coz I forgot to note them and I just remember it recently but the good thing is, i'm not yet of the middle part of the course. Let's start.
*look at that cat, its staring at me..XDD*
Merchant's Beginners Course
*Item shops in different towns keep different equipment in stock. When you visit a new town, be sure to see what equipment the item store carries.

Ship Parts Lesson:
Ship parts are your ship's version of equipment. Just like the one you equip. on your body, there are also different areas on the ship that can be outfitted with certain parts.

There are six types of ship parts: studding sails, cannons, extra armour, special equipment, figureheads, and crests. In this shipyard, you can buy studding sails, cannons, extra armouring, and special equipment.
Sail Maker - deals with studding sails. There are studded nails for fore-and-aft rigs and for square rigs. Each has different effects, but for now all you need to know is that they increase your ship's speed. More studding sails can be fitted onto larger ships the more speed you can acquire.
Carpenter - deals with extra armouring. Reinforcing your ship's armour will help it better withstand attacks. But keep in mind that the thicker the armouring makes for a slower ship. When selecting armouring find the balance that works best for you. (*After you talked to him, he will give you a ceddar plating.)
Weapon Smith - deals with the cannons and special equipment. Each ship can hold a set number of cannons. Smaller ship can only equipped a few cannons on each side, but larger ships can carry many-- even some in the fore and aft. There are also many types of cannon shot but its hard to remember all of them at first. You'll learn about them later. Special Equipment - There are many different kinds of special equipment, including some made for ramming other ships, some to help in Melee battle and some to improve the performance of your sails. When you change ship parts, you have to pay a normal refitting fee, but its cheaper than the cost of buying parts.
Trading Goods Lesson:
-You can profit from buying and selling trade goods. The fundamental of trading are to buy low and sell high, but it's not always that simple. The price of the same item can change from day to day.
Market Keeper ----- If you travel on far lands, buy some of their specialty and you can trade the goods to the Market Keeper. They might pay you a nice sum of money in exchange for that.

*Tips:-if you make it to the boundary, you will be able to escape. You should always be mindful of the choice to fight or to flee.-bombardment is your primary means of attacking in battle, and for that, munitions are required. Don't forget to stock up before you set sail.
-ship movement in battle is almost exactly the same as outside the battle. The only difference is that you are firing at the enemy. If an enemy ship is within firing range, you can click on it to attack. When you fire, its best to have the side of your ship facing your opponent's hull. ---- If you board another's ships, your sailors will enter Melee battle.
*after this you will then enter the practice battle. Just look for the ship with a name of Practice Barca or something. After finishing that task head back to the port and talk to Instructor Alan again.

Setting Sails Lesson:
-To set sail, you must first talk to the Port Official.

Port Official:
Confirm Supplies - before setting sail, be sure to check your "water", "food" and "sailors". Load water and food in "Provisions." Ten days worth should be plenty in this area. You should also load "Munitions" for the cannons and "Timber" for the repairs in case of a pirate attack. Two barrels each should do it. You can find sailors at the tavern or at the Port.

Hostile Waters - pirate acts against Voyagers from other nations that can lead to International conflicts. As such, they are prohibited by all nations. However, it is very hard to monitor what occurs in the far out location of the sea. With that, you maybe attacked by other sailors in these "Hostile waters." Bear in mind that sailors of the same nationality may attack you as well. These types of sailors do so knowing that their "Notoriety" will increase-- so be very careful out there.

*important note when you're on sailing:
After doing that task you will then receive a "Life Savers" item. Head back to Instructor Alan and he will give you a "Ceasefire Agreement." This document will allow you to escape if attacked by pirates. The document can only be used in the country you belong.

 Pedlars, Liners, Bank, Door Keepers and Quarters

1. Pedlars
-Hawkers buy and sell certain consumables. There aren't pedlars in every town, but some larger clients in every town usually have one. The prices of the consumable vary based on the current stock. If there's a sailor selling an item, there'll be a sailor that needs to buy it. The greater an item's supply is, the cheaper its price will be. Take a look for yourself to see what is being sold in every town your in.(this is one of your task that Instructor Alan will request. You will be ask to look for the Pedlar in your area. The common area where you can see a Pedlar is beside the Merchant Keeper.)
After that return to Instructor Alan at the Port Harbor.
2. Liner Ships
-Liners are ships that can safely take you to distant places, However, the trip takes a set amount of time and money. Also, you will be needing a port permit to enter the port of your desired destination. Therefore, liners may not be very useful to a novice sailor.
3. Banks
-Banks provide many functions, but the two most relevant to novices are the deposit and withdrawal of gold and insurance.

Bank Clerk
- using deposits and withdrawals, you can store your precious gold here, and retrieve it whenever you wish. We accept funds in increments of 1,000 ducats. Every thirty days you spend at sea, we will pay 0.5% of your account in interest. The money you deposit here can be withdrawn from any bank. In other words, you can deposit your money here, keeping it safe from the dangers you face at the sea.

-Speaking of dangers at sea, you should be sure not to forget to carry insurance. Let's say, for example, that during a long voyage, your ship is damaged by pirates or a rough storm, and you end up being shipwrecked. All the cargo you spent on a great sum of money will vanish at the bottom of the sea. It will take large amount of effort and time to recoup your losses.
and that's the end of this first newbie guide...:), i'll add more next time.